Wordscape Solver

Welcome to Wordscape Solver! We provide easy solutions for the Wordscapes crossword game by PeopleFun Inc. Whether you’re looking for answers, cheats, or help to reach the highest levels, our solver has you covered. Use our hints, scramble solutions, and word finder to enjoy Wordscapes without the hassle.

How to Use Our Wordscape Solver

Our Wordscape Solver is a powerful tool that helps you find words from scrambled letters. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Enter Scrambled Letters: Type the scrambled letters into the input box.
  2. Find Words: Click the "Solve" button to get a list of possible words.
  3. Advanced Options: Use advanced options to narrow down your search.

Advanced Options

  • Starts with: Find words that start with a specific letter or letters.
  • Contains: Find words that contain certain letters in any position.
  • Ends with: Find words that end with a specific letter or letters.
  • Exclude: Exclude words that contain certain letters.
  • Include: Ensure that certain letters are included in the results.

Using these options, you can customize your search to find exactly the words you need.


If you enter the scrambled letters "LEMPSI" and want words that end with "E", the Wordscape Solver might return "SIMPLE" and "LIME."

Benefits of Using Our Wordscape Solver

  • Improve Your Game: Quickly find the best words to play.
  • Learn New Words: Discover new words and expand your vocabulary.
  • Customizable Searches: Use advanced options to tailor your searches.

Try our Wordscape Solver today and take your word game skills to the next level!

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